so, i went to a conference yesterday about electronic vehicles. it was for work, but it was actually kinda interesting. 思ってた以上に為になったと思う。the panelists were very fun to listen to as well, which i'm sure contributed greatly to my enjoying it.

ま、でも実際買うかどうかになったら別問題だよね。もうちょっと普及したら考えるかもだけど。even the panelists were saying, the first people to buy EVs are probably gonna lose out in the long run as better and better technology develops. right now, the automobile companies are testing the waters as well and there really isn't anything set in stone. でも、買う人がいないと普及しないだろうしね。ここは一旦様子見だね。but they did make it seem like a really good alternative to internal combustion motor cars. just that it's still developing so its really hard to tell what the future will hold. でも、いろいろが企業(三菱・日産・トヨタ)が発売にかかってるから、この先以外とうまく行くのかも?そうなったら買ってみる価値はあるかも??
Currently listening to: The Lazy Song - Bruno Mars
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