Thursday, May 19, 2011


that's the x-ray of a truck that was caught crossing the guatemalan border in its attempt to smuggle people into the US. (courtesy of Wall Street Journal) is it just me or is that crazy? 閉所恐怖症だったら絶対アウトだね。めっちゃ人おるし。絶対ムシってしてるだろうし、トイレとかどうするんだろう???一日一回ぐらいは止まって行くのかな??

what's even crazier is the amount these people paid to get smuggled into the US. $7000 per person. すごくない??そんなに払ってまで来たいんだね。i was wondering if it was worth it but my co-worker was going on about how it's relative. considering the conditions they were living in, paying that much to get to the US is worth it. でも、よくそんな金用意できたよね。トラック一台ですっごいお金になりますな。it's a very lucrative business. high risk, high return.

Currently listening to: Love Story - Taylor Swift

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