went there with the bf and some friends last night. i've posted before but i've been there for breakfast but never for dinner so i've wanted to go. 結構美味しいって評判だしね。で、ま、友達のお姉ちゃんの誕生日と証したお食事会。a lot of her friends were there too. it ended up being 12 people. :O
案の定、超時間掛かった。注文するにも時間掛かるし、食べ終わった後の精算もめっちゃ時間掛かった。って言うのが、私が計算する!って言ってでしゃばった人が超使えなくて時間が掛かった。seriously, if you're gonna go out of your way to do it, do it quickly. ホント細かいし。ヤダヤダ。so, including the time we spent waiting, we were there for nearly 4 hours...
the food was good tho. the bf and i split a salad, pizza, and pasta. the salad was a bit too sour. it was a vinaigrette but still, pretty darn sour. the pizza was really good. it had prosciutto on it!! めっさうまかったさ。and the pasta was pretty good too. the bf said it tasted like medicine, but i think he's just not used to the italian sausage. 私は美味しかった~。デザートも食べたかったけど、お腹一杯過ぎ。残念。but man the place was expensive. the bf and i together ended up being a bit over $50. i'd like to come again, but only when we have a bit more monies...

Currently listening to: She Ain't You - Chris Brown