Monday, May 30, 2011

Bottega Louie

went there with the bf and some friends last night. i've posted before but i've been there for breakfast but never for dinner so i've wanted to go. 結構美味しいって評判だしね。で、ま、友達のお姉ちゃんの誕生日と証したお食事会。a lot of her friends were there too. it ended up being 12 people. :O

案の定、超時間掛かった。注文するにも時間掛かるし、食べ終わった後の精算もめっちゃ時間掛かった。って言うのが、私が計算する!って言ってでしゃばった人が超使えなくて時間が掛かった。seriously, if you're gonna go out of your way to do it, do it quickly. ホント細かいし。ヤダヤダ。so, including the time we spent waiting, we were there for nearly 4 hours...

the food was good tho. the bf and i split a salad, pizza, and pasta. the salad was a bit too sour. it was a vinaigrette but still, pretty darn sour. the pizza was really good. it had prosciutto on it!! めっさうまかったさ。and the pasta was pretty good too. the bf said it tasted like medicine, but i think he's just not used to the italian sausage. 私は美味しかった~。デザートも食べたかったけど、お腹一杯過ぎ。残念。but man the place was expensive. the bf and i together ended up being a bit over $50. i'd like to come again, but only when we have a bit more monies...

Currently listening to: She Ain't You - Chris Brown

Thursday, May 26, 2011


do happen. i understand that. but man, my mom can do the stupidest things sometimes... どうやらヤッチマッタみたいです。she dropped her bluetooth headset into the toilet... not just any headset either. the thing cost like $150 and she bought it this year. どういう状況でそうなるのでしょう...呆れますね。

i told her to dry it but i'm not sure it'll do any good.... she says that as of now, it's not doing any good. but i can't look at it until i get home, so.... 馬鹿みたいだね。高いの買ってもすぐ壊したら意味ないね。

Currently listening to: Loveless - 山下智久

Monday, May 23, 2011

L.A. Live

went to l.a. live yesterday with the bf. it wasn't to have fun. just to pick up some food at the lawry's there. でも、私は前々から行ってみたかったから楽しみだったの。but they were doing some event and it was hard to navigate our way around. and then we figured out it was for american idol. -___- 彼はそれを知って私よりテンション上がってた。最初は行きたくない、めんどくさいみたいな感じだったのに...ホントミーハーなんだから。

since we were just picking up food, we weren't able to spend too much time exploring. まだいろいろありそうだったからまた行きたいです。近いうちにまた行けたらいいなぁ~。

Currently listening to: Breathe - ISSA x Soulja

Friday, May 20, 2011

Electronic Vehicles

so, i went to a conference yesterday about electronic vehicles. it was for work, but it was actually kinda interesting. 思ってた以上に為になったと思う。the panelists were very fun to listen to as well, which i'm sure contributed greatly to my enjoying it.

ま、でも実際買うかどうかになったら別問題だよね。もうちょっと普及したら考えるかもだけど。even the panelists were saying, the first people to buy EVs are probably gonna lose out in the long run as better and better technology develops. right now, the automobile companies are testing the waters as well and there really isn't anything set in stone. でも、買う人がいないと普及しないだろうしね。ここは一旦様子見だね。but they did make it seem like a really good alternative to internal combustion motor cars. just that it's still developing so its really hard to tell what the future will hold. でも、いろいろが企業(三菱・日産・トヨタ)が発売にかかってるから、この先以外とうまく行くのかも?そうなったら買ってみる価値はあるかも??

Currently listening to: The Lazy Song - Bruno Mars

Thursday, May 19, 2011


that's the x-ray of a truck that was caught crossing the guatemalan border in its attempt to smuggle people into the US. (courtesy of Wall Street Journal) is it just me or is that crazy? 閉所恐怖症だったら絶対アウトだね。めっちゃ人おるし。絶対ムシってしてるだろうし、トイレとかどうするんだろう???一日一回ぐらいは止まって行くのかな??

what's even crazier is the amount these people paid to get smuggled into the US. $7000 per person. すごくない??そんなに払ってまで来たいんだね。i was wondering if it was worth it but my co-worker was going on about how it's relative. considering the conditions they were living in, paying that much to get to the US is worth it. でも、よくそんな金用意できたよね。トラック一台ですっごいお金になりますな。it's a very lucrative business. high risk, high return.

Currently listening to: Love Story - Taylor Swift

Monday, May 16, 2011


今週末はめっちゃ掃除しました。あんまり得意ではないのです。でも、がんばりました。i vacuumed, scrubbed sinks & bathtubs, did laundry, dusted, etc. 疲れた...but i think i did a so-so job.

also did a lot of cooking, since i won't have a lot of time during the week to do it. i like cooking so it wasn't a big deal. でも、疲れて夜10時くらいに帰って、さすがに


on the brighter note, i might be going to vegas in june! 行けるといいけどな。

Currently listening to: lies & truth - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Friday, May 13, 2011


FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YEAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is seriously really really exciting. i'm not a hardcore fan but i seriously love them. especially hyde-sama <3 えへ。で、今年は結成20周年というアニバーサリーイアーであり、ラルク再始動の幕開けとなります。

i seriously wanted to go to L'20 Tour at 味スタ but japan is just wayyy too far... 残念。まだラルクのコンサートって行ったことないんだよねぇ。HYDEはあるけど。是非行ってみたいけど、そんなお金ないしね。so i was really excited when i heard that they were gonna live stream it in theaters. until i found out that the only place in the us that they're gonna do that was in new york. yea, that's still kiiiiiiiinda far....ホント残念。

i already mentioned this before too but they're also releasing a new single. 「GOOD LUCK MY WAY」鋼錬の映画版主題歌。かっけー。:) ホント大好き。いつか生で見たいです!!!

Currently listening to: STAY AWAY - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

通訳 = Translating

is hard. like seriously. especially when there are a bunch of technical terms and stuff. つ~か~れ~る~。and since i do it on the comp for work, my head starts hurting... 長いのは最悪ね。いつ終わるんだよ!って感じ。seriously takes forever.

the thing is, i'm actually thinking about getting licensed to translate. ま、でも翻訳専門になると思う。実際人とかが話しながら通訳するのはごめんです。on the other hand, translating texts should be a lot easier. you have a lot more time to look words up and there isn't too much pressure. いつか学校に行ってマジメに通訳の勉強できればと思っております。

Currently listening to: Fireflies - Owlcity

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


this is the 携帯小説 i'm reading right now. なんか、「重い」女の恋愛話。the book gives you ideas as to what is considered 「重い」. 見事に当てはまりますね。ってことは私って重いの??ねぇ、彼氏君、私って重いの???


Currently listening to: Fall In Love - 青山テルマ×SOL from BIG BANG

Monday, May 9, 2011


so, we were bored over the weekend and the bf and i decided to check out a sex shop in pasadena. he's been wanting to go for a while and it's not that far so we decided to check it out.

what surprised me was that it was right in the middle of old town. なんか、あそこら辺ってオシャレな所じゃん?だからちょっと以外。あからさまにイケナイお店だもん。(笑)中に入ってみたらすっごい広いの。there are two floors. the bottom one was dedicated to videos/dvds so it wasn't that interesting. the top floor had toys, lingerie, lube, etc. そんなにものが多いわけではなかったけど、品ぞろいが良いわけでもない。we ended up getting anal beads (he kept insisting...), a glass dildo (is that what it's called? it doesn't move or anything), and a really expensive dildo. $190ぐらいしたヤツ。でも、これがまた超いいの。早速その晩いろいろ試してみて、一番が高いヤツだったね。これは長く使えそうだね。:)

btw, l'arc new single will get released in mid-june!!! 「GOOD LUCK MY WAY」超楽しみ。絶対予約しないとね!it's a good song, btw. i'll be listening to it on repeat for a while now <3

Currently listening to: GOOD LUCK MY WAY - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Osama bin Laden

thanks to my new job, i've actually been keeping up with current news lately. haha. ま、大人になってきましたね。で、最近の一番気になるニュースがやはり、こちらですね。so he was killed in palestine. and the U.S. has already disposed of his body.

but, there are still many doubters that bin Laden has actually died. 私のオフィスでもそう。「ホントはまだ死んでないんじゃないの~」って人が結構。and in the newspaper today, President Obama has decided not to release any photos of bin Laden's body. apparently, this is to prevent a violent reaction as well as propaganda usage. ま、妥当っちゃ妥当かも知れないけど、効果はあまり無さそう。

honestly, i don't think it really matters too much. just because bin Laden is dead, doesn't mean terrorist attacks will stop or al Queda is dead. someone will just take over. like al Zawahiri, for example. (i think that's how you spell it) ま、いずれにせよ、暴力や戦争は終わらんっちゅーこっちゃ。平和はどこなのでしょうね。

oh, btw, apparently, b'z is coming to club nokia. 知らなかった~。別にいきたくないけどね。although they do have some pretty good music.

Currently listening to: 4 chords - Issa x Soulja

Sunday, May 1, 2011


昨日、彼とのエッチの最中にこういう話題が出た。it was a spur of the moment thing. kinda like, dirty talk, but not really, i guess. i think we were just both turned on by talking about other people and fantasies and whatnot. ま、そんな感じでお互い話してたら、セフレ作りの話題に。

お互いがお互いの初めて。だから、正直お互い違う人としてみたいっていう願望があるみたい。で、セフレを作るということに。well, its not like its finalized or anything, although i make it sound like it. but i think its an interesting idea. am i weird? maaaaaaybe. でも、今ならいいと思う。もう、4年目になる。今ならそういうのもアリだと思う。experiment, you know? 一生一緒にいたい相手だからこそ、今そういうのをしても許せるかな?私ってすっごいヤキモチ妬きだから、ベッドで彼とそういうこと言っても信用できないらしい。if i put it on the web, i can't really go back on my word now, can i?? lol. ま、正直自分も興味あるからね。他の男。もちろん、体だけの利害関係がね。好きなのは彼だけだもん。

i think it's fine until we start thinking about marriage. 結婚となると、やっぱりセフレとかも切ってほしい。ある程度長いのもいいけど、あんまりはイヤ。そこらへんは話し合いだね。but in all seriousness, i think it's fine. just don't get some weird disease. お互い様ということで、報告だけは忘れずにね!

Currently listening to: 接吻 - L'Arc~en~Ciel