my mom is seriously annoying... めっちゃ自己中で、うるさい。i can never do anything without first getting her approval.... i'm 22, i think it's time i started making my own decisions, no?? アイツが居ると遊べないし、すぐ怒るから怒らせないように気をつけないといけないから、疲れる。小さい頃からそうだからもういい加減ヤダ。
like today, she gets all pissed off at me because the freaking gas station was packed. she keeps telling me to go here and there but there are other cars waiting so there is no way for me to get there before them. 当たり前じゃん。でも、だからトロいとかドンくさいとかって怒られる。意味不明。on top of that, she ends up breaking the middle compartment of my car. it won't open anymore...
and once we get home, she 'passes out'. that's in quotation because it's obviously fake. だって、突然倒れて何一つ怪我してないのはおかしいよね。下コンクリートだぜ!? to top that off, when i asked my sister whether we should call the paramedics, she starts 'waking up'. 救急車ってお金掛かるじゃん?だからだと思う。ま、それを私は狙ってたんだけどね。あぁもう!ホントウザイ。
Currently listening to: Paradox - w-inds.
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