that's the song i've got stuck in my head right now. by carrie underwood. it's a bit repetitive, but i like it. 何か、女の強さを歌ってる感じが。浮気男にはそれぐらいしなきゃわかんないだろうしね。イイ見せしめ。

ちょっぴり過激だし、犯罪のにおいがプンプンするけど、歌詞通りに出来たら、結構すっきりするだろうね。i'm not too sure i would have the courage to do it myself tho. ま、浮気されたら、即別れるけどね。no questions asked. there really aren't any excuses, if you think about it. so, yea, it's over. ま、私のダーリンは浮気の心配ゼロだけどね。えへへ。i think i excercise so much control over him that he wouldn't have the time/ability to cheat even if he wanted to. of course, i'm sure he doesn't want to. :)
oh, on a different note, i talked to the "i think" owner of frances the day before yesterday. 小東京のケーキ屋の。朝、パン買いに入ったら、お会計してくれたの。なかなかのイケメンですな。but i don't think he speaks japanese, which is too bad. but yea, we were just talking about credit cards and id theft. 何か、前に被害にあったことある見たい。もう少し仲良くなったら、ケーキとか安くしてくれないかなぁ?(下心大有りですね)だって、最近ケーキがヤケに高いんだもん。i really like their cake so it's sad that i can't eat them as much as i used to. 

Currently listening to: Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood
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