Monday, February 28, 2011

Kang Kang Food Court

tonight, we had those cheap chinese food takeouts. it's apperently a place recommended by a friend of my dads. 中華でよく見る作り置きしてあるのと、注文するのも出来るようなお店。it was really interesting. it's really hard to tell how to order since you can either order from the already made stuff or order off a menu.
anyways, we decided to just order from the menu. we got the juicy pork dumplings, noodles, some veggies, and shanghai rice cake. 結構全部美味しかった。麺がちょっといまいちだったかな?next time, i want to kinda try the pre-made stuff. it's the combination style stuff and its actually really cheap.

btw, nice name, huh?? lol

Currently listening to: Born This Way - Lady Gaga

Sunday, February 27, 2011


my mom is seriously annoying... めっちゃ自己中で、うるさい。i can never do anything without first getting her approval.... i'm 22, i think it's time i started making my own decisions, no?? アイツが居ると遊べないし、すぐ怒るから怒らせないように気をつけないといけないから、疲れる。小さい頃からそうだからもういい加減ヤダ。

like today, she gets all pissed off at me because the freaking gas station was packed. she keeps telling me to go here and there but there are other cars waiting so there is no way for me to get there before them. 当たり前じゃん。でも、だからトロいとかドンくさいとかって怒られる。意味不明。on top of that, she ends up breaking the middle compartment of my car. it won't open anymore...

and once we get home, she 'passes out'. that's in quotation because it's obviously fake. だって、突然倒れて何一つ怪我してないのはおかしいよね。下コンクリートだぜ!? to top that off, when i asked my sister whether we should call the paramedics, she starts 'waking up'. 救急車ってお金掛かるじゃん?だからだと思う。ま、それを私は狙ってたんだけどね。あぁもう!ホントウザイ。

Currently listening to: Paradox - w-inds.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


最近ちょっぴりその気がある私。元々M何だけどね。but none of the extreme stuff. it's more wording. which i think i've written about before. 言葉攻めに弱いんだと思う。いいよねぇ、言葉で攻められるの。ゾクっとしちゃいます。
彼が全然その気が無いのは物凄く残念。obviously, this is not something that you can accomplish by yourself.... で、最近は妄想しちゃってます。エッチしてる最中とかにも。だって、私だって満足する権利あるよね?but at the same time, i feel kinda bad... i mean, technically, you're thinking about some other guy, right? ま、別に特定な人を思い浮かべてる訳じゃないけど。でも、声は確実に彼のとは違うわけで。。。どちらかというと、Hyde様みたいな低くてイイ感じの声だけども。。。i say it's his fault for being so uncooperative, right??

Currently listening to: 遠くても - 西野カナ

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


最近ちょっぴり痩せてきた私。:D i've always been on the slightly chubbier side. and it's really hard for me to loose weight cuz i don't like to exercise and i love to eat. lol. ま、でも、全然肥満からは未だ程遠いからいいと思うけど。これ以上近付いたらマジでやばい。です。
anyways, so it was good that i'm actually losing some fat. でも、この週末で結構食べちゃいました。on saturday night, my dad took us out to korean bbq. originally, we were supposed to go to an AYCE in koreatown call Moodaepo II, or something like that, but the place was packed and it was over an hour wait. :O で、そんなに待てないという事で、違うところに。man, i ate a lot. we got like 6 plates of meats for the 4 of us. it was seriously quite a lot. 結局すんごいお腹いっぱいになるまで食べちゃった。
and then last night, we went to kaiten sushi. ガッテン寿司ってとこ。i've been to their cerritos store before but this time, we went to their new monterey park location. あそこ、お店の回転悪すぎ。席は空いてるのに、お客が待ってるの。オカシイよね。it's like, hurry up and clean those tables so people can sit!! but yea, i was sharing everything with my dad, since there are 2 pieces to most plates. 一緒になって食べてたら、結構食べちゃった。自己嫌悪です。はぁ~。二日続けて食べすぎ。美味しいものには目が無いのです。気をつけねば。
Currently listening to: がんばりましょう! - SMAP

Friday, February 18, 2011


今、彼が欲しいと言っているゲームです。it's for ps3, i think. it's a new japanese horror game. i just watched the trailer. man, it's AMAZING! 実際私もやってみたいと思ったもん。ちなみに、私はゲーマーでは有りません。極たまにちょこちょこっと遊ぶ程度です。but yea, the plot looks really interesting. it's geared more towards an adult audience so that also might make it more interesting.

ただ、全然ゲームの内容が分からない。彼曰く、ホラーパズルらしい。パズルは好きです。but i don't see how that would connect to the whole plot line. i guess we'll just have to wait and see when it comes out. hehe. ゲームとかは余り得意ではないので、ちょっぴり不安ですが、彼と一緒に遊べるものがあると嬉しいです。:) あとは意地っ張りで負けず嫌いの私の性格が邪魔しなければいいけど、、、

Currently listening to: S&M - Rhianna

Thursday, February 17, 2011


まだ完全には直りません。it's seriously been over two weeks already..... this is starting to get ridiculous. もうそんなに悪くないんだけど、まだ咳が出て、のどの痛みがある。いつになったら完全復活できるやら。これじゃあまともに歌も歌えない。my voice just starts cracking like crazy. haha. i don't usually sound that great but when i try to sing right now, i probably sound horrible. it's probably close to screeching. lol

昨日の夜は友達とお茶しながらおしゃべりしてきたの。it's my former roomie from college but it's been a while since we just talked so it was fun. we went to half & half but man, that place was packed... i mean, its a weekday night. yet, there were so many people. 暇な人が多いのかな?
で、色々お話できた。お互いの近況や彼氏の話。後は彼女の妹ちゃんの話。her little sister now goes to our college and she's currently in a long distance relationship with someone from high school. he's actually in tenessee. so it's really long distance. で、何かどうやら、最近指輪を交換したしくて、もう一人の妹ちゃんと二人でその妹のパソコンを探ったらしい。(笑)スパイ並みの活動です。so they hacked into her skype, gmail, amazon, etc. i guess they looked at chats between the little sister and the bf as well as between the little sister and her friends. also, they checked out what the little sister was buying, the ring being one of them. 何か、色々発覚したみたい。彼のコッチに来る旅費を妹ちゃんが出してるとか、まぁ色々。and apparently, the chats between the little sister and the bf were "very explicit". lol. how awkward, eh? ま、恋愛には色々ありますからねぇ。将来はどうなるのでしょう?

Currently listening to: Back to December - Taylor Swift

Monday, February 14, 2011


i has none... so sad. it's really hard to appreciate what you have until you lose it. マジだね。もう、ネットなしってありえないよね。だって、会社来ないとblogger見れないし。ugh. it's so lame. and i might not even get internet until later this week... :'(
well, it's valentine's day. 皆さんご予定は?私は一応彼とは会うけど、これといってない。ま、それは私のせいなんだけどね。my mom decided to be a bi*** and said i can't go out. lameeeeeeeeeee. oh wells, spread the love people!

Currently listening to: Teenage Dream - Katy Perry

Friday, February 11, 2011

Before He Cheats

that's the song i've got stuck in my head right now. by carrie underwood. it's a bit repetitive, but i like it. 何か、女の強さを歌ってる感じが。浮気男にはそれぐらいしなきゃわかんないだろうしね。イイ見せしめ。
ちょっぴり過激だし、犯罪のにおいがプンプンするけど、歌詞通りに出来たら、結構すっきりするだろうね。i'm not too sure i would have the courage to do it myself tho. ま、浮気されたら、即別れるけどね。no questions asked. there really aren't any excuses, if you think about it. so, yea, it's over. ま、私のダーリンは浮気の心配ゼロだけどね。えへへ。i think i excercise so much control over him that he wouldn't have the time/ability to cheat even if he wanted to. of course, i'm sure he doesn't want to. :)

oh, on a different note, i talked to the "i think" owner of frances the day before yesterday. 小東京のケーキ屋の。朝、パン買いに入ったら、お会計してくれたの。なかなかのイケメンですな。but i don't think he speaks japanese, which is too bad. but yea, we were just talking about credit cards and id theft. 何か、前に被害にあったことある見たい。もう少し仲良くなったら、ケーキとか安くしてくれないかなぁ?(下心大有りですね)だって、最近ケーキがヤケに高いんだもん。i really like their cake so it's sad that i can't eat them as much as i used to.
Currently listening to: Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Japanese Tavern Ebisu

昨日はココで私の歓迎会がありました。since the workplace is just me and the boss, it was a kangeikai with our families. not really all that fun, obiviously. but free food and alcohol. i guess you can't really complain.

お店自体の評判はあまりよくなかったから、いきたくなかったけど、以外とそこそこでした。ま、居酒屋だから、色々品揃えは良かったね。and since we went during happy hour, their draft kirin was $1.50. got two of those. and other than that, the boss and i split an osake. お酒は余り美味しくなかった。飲み易いけど、どうもパンチが無い。ま、日本酒はあまり飲まない方がいいんだけど。前に失敗してるから。

so yea, didn't drink too much. just two draft beers and half a sake. ほろ酔い程度。でも、やっぱり飲むときには大好きな人が側に居て欲しい私です。寂しすぎて、一人エッチしちゃった。(笑)

Currently listening to: Would You Hold It Against Me - Britney Spears

Thursday, February 3, 2011


heard of that song? it's been annoyingly playing on the radio recently. and I HATE IT!!!! ホント、掛かってきたら、絶対ステーション変えるもんね。聞き飽きたっていうのもあるけど、内容もアホな内容だし、聞く価値なし。

i never knew who sang it. i kept wondering what kind of douchebag sang it. turns out, it's enrique inglesias. -__- もうちょっとまともなの歌えよ。昔はそこそこ良かったのに。 like "Hero" was really good. 今は馬鹿みたい。時代の流れって恐ろしいね。the fact that this song is so popular astonishes me. what kind of people listen to this song?

Currently listening to: Hero - Enrique Inglesias

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

