Sunday, February 28, 2010

Half & Half

this weekend, i went to this teahouse place in my neighborhood called Half & Half. i went once last night and once today. それぐらい美味しかった。:)
when i went on saturday night with my friend, it was so crowded. literally, no place to sit. so we decided to get our stuff to go. で、私が先に私と彼の分を注文して、後から友達二人が注文したの。and while we're waiting for our drinks to come, we just sat down at a random table, (since people were finally leaving...) and talked. then, my friend thought she heard my name and flagged the waiter with a drink down to get it. でも、まさかまさかの違うオーダー。そうとは知らずに飲み始めちゃって。後になって、もう一個持ってきたの。we were just like :O. lol. and then, the guy came back to us and asked if it was the right order so we told him we think he/we may have made a mistake. and then he took the drink away. もう半分くらい飲んでたのに...捨てるのかな?もったいない...but yea, awkwardddd. hehe.

Currently listening to: 君をのせて - 井上杏美

Friday, February 26, 2010


ご存知ですか?女優の。she's been a couple big and interesting flicks. mostly movies tho. she's probably most famous for being in "KILL BILL". never watched it but heard it's good. i mean, it quentin tarantino. how could you go wrong? 後は、「バトル・ロワイヤル」と「下弦の月」。in that last one, she got to play the heroine agains hyde, so i really didn't like her. but that's total bias. haha

anyways, she recently debuted as a singer. under the name of CHiAKi KURiYAMA, she sang 「流星のナミダ」 and this was used for the theme song of 「機動戦士ガンダム」. 結構すごいよね?しかも、聞いてみたら、結構いい曲だよ。ま、いまだにあんまり好きじゃないけど、声はいいし、曲もいい。at least she's a lot better than 黒木メイサ.

Currently listening to: 流星のナミダ - CHiAKi KURiYAMA

Thursday, February 25, 2010


finally got to go to karaoke. been dying to go for a while. 昨日はハッピー・アワーに行ったから安かったし。メッチャ歌いました。といっても、1時間ぐらいだけだけど。sang/attempted to sing:
もっと… - 西野カナ

君の知らない物語 - supercell
Sunrise - 浜崎あゆみ
キセキ - GReeeeN
気分上々↑↑ - mihimaru GT
粉雪 - レミオロメン


Currently listening to: LAST HUG - FUNKY MONKEY BABYS

Saturday, February 20, 2010


last night, my bestie had her birthday party in irvine so i decided to go. kinda far, but since it's my last year of college, i thought i should go. 楽しかったです♪ i was able to make some new friends and catch up with a couple old ones.

i'm actually in the pic. but i bet you can't find me :)

there are a couple people at irvine that i've known since middle school so it was nice seeing them again :D みんな変わんないの。懐かしかった。あはは。年寄りみたい?楽しかったけど、うるさいのなんの。人が多すぎて。it was difficult having a conversation in there. haha.

towards the end of the night, the birthday girl was pretty much wasted so i had to take care of her. i didn't drink that much so i was fine. had a jello shot, a cup of AMF, and a shot of Jose Cuervo. まぁまぁ酔っちゃいました。でも、次の日は二日酔いにならなかったし、大丈夫。ま、帰りの車では爆睡でしたけど。

Currently listening to: PUMP IT! - Black Eyed Peas

Thursday, February 18, 2010


最近卒業が危ういです。マジで。stupid budget cuts. thanks to those, a lot of classes aren't being offered anymore = can't take the classes i need to graduate. >.< どうしようぅぅ

IF i can get into all the classes i have planned and IF i can take 2 of my classes concurrently (one of them is a prereq for the other), i might be able to finish all my classes by summer. which means i can walk in june. ま、卒業式に出る、出ないは別として、今年中に卒業したい。if i have to take another quarter, the tuition is going to be a lot more. -___- それは避けたい。
就職活動もそろそろ考えないと。卒業がいつかわからない以上、できないけどね。ugh. so much to think about. entering the real world is gonna be scary. but i kinda don't want to be a student anymore. plus, i permanently want to move out of my house.


Currently listening to: 戻れない明日 - aiko

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Socko's Subs

last night, after getting back to ucla from home, i decided to give socko's subs a try. the roomie had said they were good and i really wanted to try one. problem being that it was around 9 p.m. and i had already eaten dinner a couple of hours ago. 通りで太るわけだ。。

ま、何はともあれ、行きました。i ended up getting the TBS (turkey, bacon sandwich) with pesto. おいしかたぁぁぁぁ!! また食べたい!but, i forgot to get avocado spread, which woulda probably made it even better... マジで食べたい。

Currently listening to: うれしくって抱きあうよ - YUKI

Sunday, February 14, 2010


today, we celebrated the bf's lil sis's birthday!! she's turned 18. 若いねぇ~。we went out to dinner and ended up getting all-you-can-eat korean bbq at a place called Tahoe Galbi in Koreatown.
味はまぁまぁだったけど、食べ過ぎたかも?i mean, it's all-you-can-eat so you have to get the best out of it, right?? haha. it was pretty expensive too. i think like $17.99 per person? 高いよね?i think i've had cheaper and better quality food. but it was all fun. :)

i got the lil' sis a small bottle of perfume. i hope she likes it!

Currently listening to: BREAK OUT! - 東方神起

Saturday, February 13, 2010


の前日です。but it's okay. the bf got me a rose ♥

はじめてかも?バレンタインに何かもらうの。i think last year, we did it japanese style and i gave him something for valentine's and he gave me something on white day. あんまり覚えてないや。(笑)

but yea, it was all very sweet! :)

Currently listening to: バレンタイン・キッス - 国生さゆり with おニャン子クラブ

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


i recently began watching this one series, CHUCK. (i know, it seems like i spend a lot of time watching tv, huh??) it's actually really interesting. and there was also one scene that was filmed at UCLA. ahaha
ま、ちょっと非現実的だけど、ストーリーは面白い。it's just really about spies. you know, the CIA and Homeland Security stuff. but it's really funny, mainly because the main guy, Chuck, is just a really funny and normal guy that got dragged into a huge mess. ちょっと間が抜けててかわいい。plus, there are both hot girls and hot guys. girls being mainly the CIA agent Sarah assigned to take care of Chuck. and guys mainly being Chuck's sister, Ellie's, bf. haha.


Currently listening to: Tik Tok - Kei$ha

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


apparently, there is something there is something that is making its rounds on the internet. on this site called Tumblr, there is a post that seems to be having a lot of popularity. here it is:

Month One.

Hi Mommy!
I am only
¾ of an inch long,
But I have all my organs
I love the sound of your
Every time I hear it, I wave my arms and legs.
The sound of your
heart beat
Is my favorite lullaby.

Mont Two.

Today I learned how to suck my thumb.
If you could see me
You could
definitely tell that I am a baby.
I’m not big enough to survive outside my
home though.
It is so nice and warm in here.

Month Three.

You know what Mommy,
I’m a boy!
I hope that makes you happy.
I always want you to be happy.
I don’t like it when you cry.
sound so sad.
It makes me sad too,
And I cry with you even though
You can’t hear me.

Month Four.

My hair is
starting to grow.
It is very short and fine
But I have a lot of it.
I spend a lot of my time exercising,
I can turn my head and curly my
fingers and toes.
And stretch my arms and legs.
I am becoming quite good
at it too.

Month Five.

You went to the doctor today
he lied to you.
He said that I’m not a baby.
I am a baby, Mommy, your
I think and feel.
Mommy, what’s abortion?

Month Six.

I can hear that doctor again.
I don’t like him
He seems cold and
Something is intruding my home.
The doctor called it a
Mommy what is it?
It burns! Please make him stop!
I can’t
get away from it!
Mommy! Help me!

Month Seven.

Mommy, I am
I am in Jesus’s arms.
He is holding me.
He told me about
Why didn’t you want me, Mommy?

Every abortion is just….
One more heart that was stopped.
Two more eyes that will never see.
Two more hands that will never touch.
Two more legs that will never run.
One more mouth that will never speak.

the roomie's lil sis uses tumblr and had apparenly reblogged this onto her own. this seems to be the craze now. anyways, the roomie and i were pretty shocked and saddened. i mean, she's a 7th grader. そんな早い段階から考えを決めて欲しくない。多分、あんまりわからずにやったんだと思うけど。それでも。もうちょっと色々教わってからちゃんと自分で考えて結論を出して欲しい。

個人的には賛成でもないし、反対でもない。人にはそれぞれ事情があって、それなりに選択肢が必要なときがあると思う。そういうときに選択肢がないのはダメだと思う。it's that own person's right. there are different circumstances for different people and no one should be able to restrict someone like that.

i also think that post is 意地悪. i mean, it makes it seem like abortion is the worst thing a human can do in the world. and it's very inaccurate. the development of a fetus is not that fast. yet, by making it seem like it is, the post plays on the emotions of the reader. if they're gonna argue about abolishing abortion, they should at least get their facts straight.

Currently listening to: 何度でも - DREAMS COME TRUE

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Gyu-Kaku :: 牛角

went to a family dinner tonight to Gyu-Kaku located in West L.A. dude, the place had 50% off all meats!! :O すごいよね?安っ!みたいな?(笑)だって、焼肉で4名で it came out to $60 including tip. sooooo cheap! i wish they'd have it more often. haha

out of all the local yakiniku places, Gyu-Kaku was never at the top of my list. but, at that price, it's totally worth going. ま、ひとつだけ文句言うとしたら、注文したホルモンが中々出てこなかった。マジで。-___- 一番最後に出てきて、他の料理とは多分、20分ぐらいの差があった。plus, i don't think it tasted as good as before...

i put that on their survey :) hehe

Currently listening to: BODY & SOUL - SPEED

Saturday, February 6, 2010


お昼は「麺達」っていうラーメン屋さんで食べました。私はジャージャー麺と半チャー飯を彼と分けました。it was decent. cheap, but only decent. i've had better ramen. もっと中華風な感じ。the bf says foo foo tei is wayy better. lol

the bf ordered this, the moyashi ramen

and then, we went shopping at south coast plaza for my friends birthday present. i ended up buying a dress. haha. my mom insisted. she's like "you're not going to have anything to wear for graduation!!" いつになるかもわからないのにね。but more on that later.

we also went to the bakery Cream Pan in Oldtown Tustin. 日本のパン屋さんなんだけど、めちゃめちゃおいしいの!!esp. they're strawberry croissant and the azuki cream pan. 絶品!most defs should try it :)
upper right is the azuki cream pan and the bottom left is the strawberry croissant

Currently listening to: if... - DA PUMP

Friday, February 5, 2010


眼鏡、新しくしました!憧れの黒ふちでっす!it's been so long since i got new glasses.... the last time i got myself tested 4 years ago, when i was getting contacts for prom. at that point, i was -3.75. and my vision has been going bad for a while. so when i got tested again, it turned out to be -4.75. やっぱりねって感じ。and since i didn't get new lenses for my glasses, i think my lenses were even worse.

で、新しい眼鏡、なんと、$230!! 高い!!!the eye exam was $25, the lenses $140, and the frame $99. so we got a bit of a discount. but still.... they had lenses in stock so my glasses were made in about 5 mins., which was good tho. got them made at italee. they're korean but they have a really nice selection.

my bf said i look cuter :)

Currently listening to: Independent Women - Destiny's Child

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


so, for some reason, the bf's dad suddenly decided to raise some chickens and there have been some eggs sitting in the incubator for a while. i really doubted they would hatch since he said they were refrigerated before. but! THEY DID!! :)

まだ写真しか見てないけど、メッチャかわいいでっす!3羽出てきたのかな?i think they had about a dozen in the incubator. でも、いいなぁ~。触ってみたい!!へへ。でも、彼はうるさいって嘆いていたりする。(笑)

Currently listening to: THE D-MOTION - KAT-TUN

Monday, February 1, 2010

Wii Fit

the roomie has brought her wii fit from home and we have decided to work out at least 30 mins a day. 以外と面白いから続きそう。そんでもって運動とダイエット、どっちもできて一石二鳥という寸法なのです。
it really is fun. but man, it's tiring. you work up quite a sweat. haha. no duh... right? whatever. でも、特にヨガがすき。一度試してみたかったんだよね。体硬いし、少しやわらかくなるかなぁという期待を込めて続けます。

i think i understand why people are so into this wii fit stuff. i'm not a gamer myself but this is seriously fun. haha. i hope to loose about 2 pounds by the end of the month!

Currently listening to: アゲ♂アゲ♂EVERY☆騎士 - DJ OZMA