Saturday, February 20, 2010


last night, my bestie had her birthday party in irvine so i decided to go. kinda far, but since it's my last year of college, i thought i should go. 楽しかったです♪ i was able to make some new friends and catch up with a couple old ones.

i'm actually in the pic. but i bet you can't find me :)

there are a couple people at irvine that i've known since middle school so it was nice seeing them again :D みんな変わんないの。懐かしかった。あはは。年寄りみたい?楽しかったけど、うるさいのなんの。人が多すぎて。it was difficult having a conversation in there. haha.

towards the end of the night, the birthday girl was pretty much wasted so i had to take care of her. i didn't drink that much so i was fine. had a jello shot, a cup of AMF, and a shot of Jose Cuervo. まぁまぁ酔っちゃいました。でも、次の日は二日酔いにならなかったし、大丈夫。ま、帰りの車では爆睡でしたけど。

Currently listening to: PUMP IT! - Black Eyed Peas

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