went to the l.a. county fair for the first time this saturday! it was fun :) 難点を挙げるなら、何もかもが結構高いこと。特に食べ物。もうちょっと量を減らしてもいいから安くしてよって!that way i can try a lot more different stuff too. cuz eating just one thing makes you immensely full. so you can't try other stuff. それがすごく残念。だって、食べるの好きだもん。BBQ食べたり、ホットドッグ食べたり、お菓子食べたりしたかった。all i was able to eat was a pulled pork sandwich and tastifries. and i was able to finish neither. wanted to try pink's hotdogs, since they had a stand there. dude, the line is so short as compared to the one in hollywood. definitely gonna try it next time. haha.
the rides are so freakin' expensive too. it's all based on tickets, but those tickets cost A LOT! 高すぎて何も乗らなかった。だって、入場料も払ってるんだよ?(btw, i got in at kid's price. lol) so yea, did not feel like dishing out more money to ride the rides. maybe next time, when i'm not so broke.
overall, it was really fun. saw a lot of new stuff and it was just fun exploring the entire place. i don't think we were even able to explore all of it. tried panning for gold. 結構面白いけど、辛気臭いかも。(笑)but yea, it was an interesting, new experience. most of all, it was nice to be able to spend quality time with the bf without any interruptions from the mom. だって、いつもいつも電話ばっか掛けてきてうるさいんだもん。遊びに行ってるときくらいほっといてよね。

Currently listening to: Love Sex Magic - Ciara feat. Justin Timberlake
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