so, my mom was supposed to come back sunday night from her cruise. she was supposed to take a flight from ft. lauderdale to dallas fort worth to los angeles. everything that could possibly go wrong did...
最初は、ft. lauderdale から出るフライトが2時間ぐらい遅れて、dallas での乗り継ぎが間に合わなくなったの。それから、miami に移動したらしいのだけど、どのフライトにも乗れず、結局その日は miami 止まり。でも、なぜか荷物だけは los angeles に着いたからそれを取りに行く為がだけに lax まで直行。
she was finally able to come back sometime around the evening of monday. but man, sunday was totally wasted. couldn't do much cuz we couldn't figure out when my mom would be getting back. damn american airlines. -___-

btw, i'm really interested in this guy, Jay Sean right now. anyone know who he is?? he's that guy that sings the song "Down". it was #1 on the billboards too. dude, he's INDIAN. did not know that. my roomie and i were like, 'but he sounds so black'. (not trying to be racist. just the style of music and the voice, i pressume) technically, british-indian. but yea, he's the first south asian to get #1 on the billboards. crazy. anyways, really catchy song. plus, he's kinda cute :)

Currently listening to: Down - Jay Sean
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