Thursday, April 30, 2009

Huntington Library

went to the huntington library today. haven't been there in ages and got a bit lost getting there but it was pretty fun :) 彼はあまり面白くなかったみたいだけど。「オバさんが好きそうなところだね」って言われた。なんだとー、コノ野郎ぅぅぅぅぅ!(笑)

but yea, i thought it was fun. especially the japanese garden. キレイだったね~。if you live in the area, you should definitely try going. interesting :)

all in all, a nice day off :)

Currently listening to: Survivor - Destiny's Child

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


最近何かと話題の腐女子。皆さんご存知ですか?腐女子とは、まぁ、簡単に言うとオタクの女性版ですね。各言う私もちょっとその傾向があったりなかったり。あはは。ま、マンガは好きだけど...i'm not that hardcore. i think.
で、最近買った本がそこそこヒットしてるらしいブログ本、「腐女子彼女。」結構面白い。there are parts where i'm like ちょ~納得。(笑) i'm turning 21 soon, but 少女漫画はなかなか辞められないね。

コスプレとかも大好き♥ it's so much fun! :) エロさも増すしね!either way, if you're looking for something interesting to read, give it a shot. i don't think you'd regret it!

って言うか、今調べたらマンガになってた!! :O びっくりぃぃぃぃ!しかも!映画化も決まってるみたい!!すごい勢いだったんだ...ぜんぜん知らなかった...

Currently listening to: 黒い砂漠 - jealkb

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


最近、友達が遠恋をはじめた。大変そうだね。i mean, it's so far.... she's in the US and he's in asia. completely different countries. 自分だったら耐えられるかわかんない。it's only for a year. but still, a year is pretty long.

相手が何をして、何を考えてるのかが分からないからね。それに、やっぱ一番が会えない事。especially if you've been seeing him frequently. それが急になくなると不安になるよね。i really hope i never have to be in such a situation.

Currently listening to: 大阪LOVERS - Dreams Come True

Friday, April 24, 2009


have all 3 of my midterms this week. =_= 無理だ。死ぬ。頭混乱中~。
fudge. all of them this upcoming week?? and 2 on monday!? dang it. was planning on FINALLY going to the festival of books this year but i guess i'll have to wait another year. 絶対行ってるヒマない。思ったより全然ダメだ。

to top it off, i got my period yesterday. GAH! it's like 1.5 weeks early!! 何で!?ヤダよ~。めんどいし。マジ落ち込み中。

Currently listening to: Karma - Alicia Keys

Thursday, April 23, 2009


yea. the one with angelina jolie. don't like her too much personally, but damn, she is one good actress. 結構感動した。泣けたしね。quite a good movie. highly recommended. jolie seriously did an awesome job.

the fact that it was based on a true story is also inspiring. 女だからってバカにすんなよ!って感じ。やるときはやるんだよ、女だって。

i like how it ended too. on a really positive note. it's sad, yet inspiring. it shows the strong will of a mother who never gave up. でも、結局見つからなかったのかな?見つかってたらそう書いてただろうね。very heart touching movie.

Currently listening to: MOTHER - SEAMO

Monday, April 20, 2009


昨日、友達にエッチのことで相談された。いまいち何で自分なのかは分からない。(cuz i have more experience? or bc she considers me one of her bests? dunno...) ま、そんなこんなで、どう答えていいか分からなかった。
だって、途中までしてやめたらしい。でも、「妊娠」が心配なんだと。でも、ちゃんとコンドームは使ってたから、、、心配ないよね?he didn't even finish. i kinda felt sorry for the guy. 彼がどうしたかは知らないけど。泣かれたみたいだしね。大変ね。

she says she felt pressured to do it. 男がそういう気なくてもそんなときあるよね。何か、断ったら悪い雰囲気。自分の初めての時もそんな感じだったと思う。別にイヤだったわけでは決してない。でも、したかったっていう訳でもないかな?


Currently listening to: Flavor of life - ballad ver. - 宇多田ヒカル

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Iron Man

finally finished watching it. the concept was pretty good. lots of action and technology. 男子に人気ありそうな感じ?yea, i liked it. especially the part where Stark doesn't get Penny. いつもいつも思い通りに行くと思うなよ!(笑)

the ending was stupid... SPOILER ALERT!!

so, "The truth is, I am Iron Man" *music* really? that's it? come on. there's got to be a better way to end a movie. ちょーつまらん。バカみたい。*sigh* let's at least try to be a little more creative...

huh. i was just searching iron man and apparently, there's an iron man 2 scheduled for 2010. maybe, i'll watch it.... huh. i just FINISHED watching iron man. they do make it seem like there'll be a part 2.

Currently listening to: Believe - 嵐

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Kogi BBQ

i have finally had some of the infamous kogi bbq. i've seen it around every now and then but never got the chance to get some. tonight, a roomie and i decided to go for it. the conclusion: うまい!

マジで。結構イケる。(笑)korean and mexican do complement each other :) i got their korean bbq short rib taco and their spicy pork t
aco. おいしかった~。


Currently listening to: M - つるの剛士

Mexican food

i ♥ it. really. it's soooooo good. でも、、、かなり太りそうだよね?結構脂っこいし。but it's so irresistably good. i had a breakfast burrito today and another steak burrito for lunch. lol. i was debating between that and chicken tacos. burrito は今回が初めてだったけど、結構美味しかった。
BUT!! seriously messing up my "diet". lol. *sigh* why do all the good foods have to be unhealthy?

Currently listening to: 以心伝心 - Orange Range

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Food Poisoning

so, the bf got food poisoning this weekend and was really sick. 結構大変だった。熱は出るは、吐いちゃうはでもう混乱。it was pretty bad. despite, i think it was a relatively mild food poisoning since what's described online makes it seem much worse. 不幸中の幸いね。
looks kinda japanesey. lol
そんなこんなで昨日の夜は看病しててあんま寝れなかった。多分、彼も同じだろうけど。but it was nice. i actually felt like i was 役立ってる。:) 不謹慎かな?well, it seems like the bf has gotten relatively better, although he still complains that he gets nauseous when he moves too much. 早くよくなりますよーに!

Currently listening to: Last Christmas - Wham

Friday, April 10, 2009

San Diego Zoo

yesterday, went to the san diego zoo with the bf. was quite fun! 動物園は初めてだったからちょっぴり興奮したね。but it didn't take us that long to see everything. we walked pretty fast. it was killer for my feet though. ちょっとオシャレして運動靴じゃなくかわいいslip ons 履いていったからちょっと痛かった。

やっぱゴリラとトラとかが人気だったね。there was a baby gorilla too and it was soooooo adorable. :) what was also entertaining was sear
ching for those snakes and lizards in their glass cages. lol. it's like, "where's waldo?". haha. i always seemed to lose....

we also drove around san diego for a bit and went to the beach. 天気がよかったからキレイだった。the sun was out but there was a bit of wind so it felt real good. :) あのまま海で寝たかったね。(笑)

didn't get home too late so ended up eating dinner with the bf's family. his sister is so adorable so i like eating with the family. お父さんも優しいしね。

omg, that night, we had some awesome エッチ!;) 結構今までの中でも記憶に残りそうだね。i got to tie him up. :) who knew neckties could come in handy so much ;)

Currently listening to: Sexy Back - Justin Timberlake

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


just thinking about the 3 hour class i have tonight is giving me a headache. ヤだよ~。メンドクサイ...but it's not like i have a choice. i'm taking the bare minimum of units. one's just for fun, the other is a ge and this one is the only major related class i'm taking this quarter. しかも、教授はちょージジィ。-_- 年寄りは早くおウチに帰って寝ましょうね~。
so, i'll be ending at 9 tonight. it's gonna be all dark. i hate wednesdays. i'm on campus from 9-9. 12 hours!!!!! 疲れるわけだ。

Currently listening to: 今すぐ... - AZU

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


女優。けど、今回、アルバム「hellcat」で本格歌集デビューすることになった。正直言って、ビミョー? sorry, but i've never really liked her to begin with. i listened to her songs and.... eh. 何か、第2の安室奈美恵目指してるみたい。but not really pulling it off. みたいな?(笑)
i've heard a total of 3 songs and they all sound pretty similar. 変わり映えしない。しかも、全曲英語のタイトルなのに英語ヘタクソ。 it sounds really bad, even for a japanese. whatever. i think it would be better for her to stick with acting.

Currently listening to: Bad girl - 黒木メイサ

Thailand's Phi Phi Islands

beautiful and breathtaking. i definitely would like to go one day. 海だけじゃなく、jungle もあるからすごいキレイ。i wonder what it would be like live there... いいな~
click here for more pictures.
and this made me laugh today. i have 2 cats so i understand the gf's stand point. もう、男サイアク。(笑)i mean, it is funny. but man, i would hate my bf if he did that. 本当にフラれるかもね...
close up available here.

Currently listening to: It's all Love! - 倖田來未×misono

Monday, April 6, 2009

Big Bang Theory

good series. あんまりアメリカのテレビは見ないけど、コレはいい。面白い!my roommate introduced it to me, and now i'm hooked. lol. it's so geeky.

後、舞台はパサデナだから親近感が沸く。ちょー近いじゃん!(笑)anyways, i'm still only on season 1. but i'm about 1/2 done with it. hopefully, i finish it soon.

Currently listening to: Allstar - Smashmouth

Saturday, April 4, 2009


2年!長いようで早かったね!i'm happy we were able to make it for so long. これからも末永くよろしくね!!
another おめでたい出来事。歌手の絢香と俳優の水嶋ヒロが結婚した~。ヒューヒュー。(笑)they're both so young. but they look really happy. :) 交際8ヶ月だって。that's pretty fast. especially as compared to our 2 years. lol. でも、絢香は今年いっぱいで歌手活動を休止するみたい。残念。I really liked her music. 「三日月」とか「おかえり」とか。
for the full story, click here. こちらも末永くお幸せに!

Currently listening to: おかえり - 絢香

Thursday, April 2, 2009



so, at my apartment, 2 other roomies and i take turns cooking dinner. it's very 合理的 and makes eating dinner that much more fun. well, it's week 1 of school and everybody doesn't have their schedules set yet. ま、だから今週はちょっとややこしかった訳で、、、

anyways, tonight, one roomie and i made dinner together. the other one refused to eat with us. すごい機嫌悪そうだった。自分は昨日の夜使った残り物を食べるんだからいいじゃん、って感じ。しょうがないじゃん。ちょー感じ悪い。
this is how i feel like when i think about my roomies and next years' housing...
on top of that, our garbage disposal needs a replacement. it's been broken since we moved in. で、大家と誰が払うかでもめてたの。they are paying for it. but that same roomie who was 機嫌悪い tonight was the only one of all of us roomies who wouldn't talk to the managers about it. yet, she grills us on what's going on, making sure the managers are paying. そんなに心配なら自分で確かめろよ。今まで何もしないで文句だけ言わないでよ。マジムカツク。ほんと自分勝手。well, at least that's settled. thank goodness.

Currently listening to: my graduation - SPEED

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


i have a confession to make... i'm sorry honey, i've been seeing someone... ちょっとした出来心なの。本気って訳では決してなかった。今日、この場を借りて誤りたいです。申し訳ございませんでした。


な~んて、ウソです!of course, it's april fools, i had to do something. very ありきたり、huh? o wells, i'm sure the bf's not even gonna read this. lol.

Currently listening to: 刹那 - GReeeeN