Saturday, April 4, 2009


2年!長いようで早かったね!i'm happy we were able to make it for so long. これからも末永くよろしくね!!
another おめでたい出来事。歌手の絢香と俳優の水嶋ヒロが結婚した~。ヒューヒュー。(笑)they're both so young. but they look really happy. :) 交際8ヶ月だって。that's pretty fast. especially as compared to our 2 years. lol. でも、絢香は今年いっぱいで歌手活動を休止するみたい。残念。I really liked her music. 「三日月」とか「おかえり」とか。
for the full story, click here. こちらも末永くお幸せに!

Currently listening to: おかえり - 絢香

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