so, tonight after dinner, one of my roommates and i were playing scrabble. he's really good and actually helped me out a bit and i still lost... -_- あれって結構ムズイよね~。anyways, i used the word "cozy" and got 63 points in one turn!!! isn't that awesome?? haha (how i still lost is a mystery...)
最近彼とも遊ぶようになった。ハマると結構たのしいね。which reminds me of a story. i was playing scrabble with the roomie when he mentioned the word queef. with that word and the fact that we were playing scrabble, i remembered a story that goes something like this....
a guy was having dinner with his gf's family and after dinner, they decided to play scrabble. the guy noticed that he was able to make the word queef in a really good spot that would get him big points. after some debate, he decided to go with it. the father, upon looking at the word said, "hmmm... i don't think i know that word. let me go look it up." after coming back,the father just said, "i think we're good for the night...
lol, right?? anyways, turned out the roomie didn't know what queef was. so i had to explain it to him and he started crapping up like crazy. for those of you who don't know what it is, click here. めっちゃ笑えた夜でした。
Currently listening to: She will be loved - Maroon5