最近、医療関係の番組をよく見る。「コード・ブルー」と「世界仰天ニュース」もそのうちに入る。最初に「世界仰天ニュース」から。they had a 妊娠スペシャル and i was watching it with the bf. in japan, there aren't that many 産婦人科医 because of how busy they are and because there is a constant fear of bring sued. コレってどうなの?まだ母親じゃないから分からないのかも知れないけど、すぐ「医療ミス!!」って言う日本人はどうかしてると思う。医者と患者は信頼があるはずでしょ?だったらすぐ訴えるのはおかしいと思う。。。
i just finished watching 「コード・ブルー」 and it was pretty good. and it was also very sad. in one scene, one of the doctors is in charge of triage. does everyone know what that is? it's a system in which colors are used to prioritize patients and treatments in the case of a huge disaster so that as many people can be saved. そこで、新垣結衣の役の医者がそれをやっていた。そこに妻と娘に付き添われた男性が運ばれた。he was pretty bad and she determined that he would be the next to go by helicopter to the nearest hospital. でも、その後容態が急変し結局乗せないことにした。ヘリに中でもたないと思われたからだ。
娘は医者にこういった「なんで?助かるかもしれないじゃない?どんな権利があってあなたが決めてるの?父を見殺しにするの?」と。at that point, i felt really bad for the doctor. of course she wants to help as many as possible. for that to happen, sacrifices need to be made. but... if i were in that girl's position, would i have been so understanding. もし、彼がそういうことになって、「助からないからもう諦めてください」といわれたらわたしは、「はい。そうですか。」といえるだろうか。多分、いえない。life is unfair. i don't think i can be that understanding. even though i know that there is nothing much that can't be done, i would still want them to try. i wouldn't just want them to let him die.
矛盾してるね。難しすぎる。i just hope that i will never be in such a vulnerable position.
Currently listening to: 声 - Mr. Children
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