今年のクリスマスもダーリンが欲しいものをくれましたぁ! it's the dvds for Chuck and Big Bang Theory!!!!! i love these two shows and really wanted them. thanks baby!!
Currently listening to: スパイス - パフューム
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
My First Car Accident
specifically, my first car accident involving another car. i've hit inanimate objects before (trash can, pillars in parking lots, etc.) but not another car. and this one was moving too. lol. 最初はビックリして、後はスッゲェむかついた。so, here's the story:
so, i was driving down a small street (one lane for each side of traffic and a center lane) and i was trying to make a right into a parking space for those parking spots that are on the street but kinda perpediculate to it. kinda like this ↓
Currently listening to: Tell Me Goodbye - BIGBANG
so, i was driving down a small street (one lane for each side of traffic and a center lane) and i was trying to make a right into a parking space for those parking spots that are on the street but kinda perpediculate to it. kinda like this ↓
で、ちゃんと指示器を出して、スピード落として曲がろうとしたのです。私の車って結構大きくて、小回りが利かないので、結構大きく曲がらないとダメなんです。so, since my hunk of minivan needed to make a kinda tight right turn, i slightly turned to the left and then started turning right. well, this fucked up old white lady behind me decided to pass me on the right even tho i was making a right turn and by the time i noticed and tried to brake, we were hitting. stupid old lady didn't even brake.... -__- 完全に向こうの責任。but no, bastard lady wouldn't admit fault. she was pissed too, which pissed me off even more. I HAD MY RIGHT TURN SIGNAL ON!! no way i'm at fault. she was trying to lecture me as to how it's my fault because i was in the center lane. i wasn't. she actually admitted that to the police that i called too. idiot... ホント馬鹿。墓穴ほってやんの。ま、こっちにとっては有利だったけど。to top it off, she didn't even have her insurance info on her... fucking retard. thank goodness i called the police.
this happened yesterday, on christmas eve... just great.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Winter Break
did you know the ucs get a month off for winter break this year!? wtf, we only got half of that... 超残念。ウチらがいたときもして欲しかった。ま、今の学生さんたちは学費も上がってるし援助は減ってるから、どっちもどっちか?
speaking of breaks and days off, this year, my company had 17 days off for holidays. next year, it's only 13.... *sigh* 4 days is a pretty big diff...こちらもまた、残念すぎる。なんだかなぁ。最近、暇で書く話題もないし。ツマラン人生だのぅ。
Currently listening to: Silent Night
speaking of breaks and days off, this year, my company had 17 days off for holidays. next year, it's only 13.... *sigh* 4 days is a pretty big diff...こちらもまた、残念すぎる。なんだかなぁ。最近、暇で書く話題もないし。ツマラン人生だのぅ。
Currently listening to: Silent Night
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Vegas, baby!
actually, it wasn't as exciting as i make the title sound. it's a bit misleading. でも、まぁまぁ楽しかったかな。おいしいものいっぱい食べれたね。スペイン料理にバイキング。満腹です。
the julian serrano restaurant in aria was marvelous!!!! sooooo delish :) would definitely go back again. i think i really love spanish food. haha. we actually went two nights in a row. で、バイキングにも2回行きましたね。ブランチに二回。ナンとカレーとか、スモークサーモンとか、オムレツとか、色々食べちゃいました。
Currently listening to: let me cry - Jang Guen Suk
the julian serrano restaurant in aria was marvelous!!!! sooooo delish :) would definitely go back again. i think i really love spanish food. haha. we actually went two nights in a row. で、バイキングにも2回行きましたね。ブランチに二回。ナンとカレーとか、スモークサーモンとか、オムレツとか、色々食べちゃいました。
i did eat a lot but i also lost a decent amount of money. lol. a bit over $200. oh wells, it was nice to gamble.
so, i drove to and back and man, was it quite tiring. especially bc my car is so sucky and heavy... seriously.... 坂道とか全然ダメ。スピードが落ちまくりです。but i was also able to try third gear for the first time. man, that thing is awesome!
overall, fun trip. wish it was with my honey tho... :(
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
we went to this one AYCE BBQ place in los felitz. Tangier Korean BBQ of Tokyo. どっちやねんってつこっみたくなりました。i mean, it was mostly a japanese bbq place. not really korean. i mean, they had ponzu as a dipping sauce... -__- not very korean, eh? ま、でもバンチャ(those small appetizer type dishes)は出たね。ビールも韓国のHITE飲んでたしね。
the meat itself was pretty good. i mean seriously, it was more like a japanese bbq place instead of a korean one. だから、日本人の舌には合うね。they don't have that much to choose from but the quality was pretty good so whatevs. drank some and ate some and laughed some. twas pretty chill :)
Currently listening to: We Found Love - Rhianna
we went to this one AYCE BBQ place in los felitz. Tangier Korean BBQ of Tokyo. どっちやねんってつこっみたくなりました。i mean, it was mostly a japanese bbq place. not really korean. i mean, they had ponzu as a dipping sauce... -__- not very korean, eh? ま、でもバンチャ(those small appetizer type dishes)は出たね。ビールも韓国のHITE飲んでたしね。
the place is really interesting in that they have a lot of anime related things. i guess that's their theme. 後、他でもあるけど、大声で挨拶してたね。でも、日本語下手すぎて何を言っているのやら。。。*sigh* i hate places like that. it's just loud and annoying. 気合いなのかも知れねぇけど、いらんし。
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what character is this??? |
Friday, December 2, 2011
Damn those winds....
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yea, that's damage from those winds... |
i'm pretty sure i'm one of the lucky ones with these santa ana winds, but still, they suck... :( 今日、新聞とか読んでると、悪い人は車とか家が壊されてるから、まだまだ自分はマシだけど、それでも結構大変です。
as far as my house and stuff goes, there hasn't been much physical damage, the electricity has been out for the entire time. これって結構ダメージ大きいですね。まず、お湯が出ません。冷たいシャワーはもう浴びたくない! it is seriously really freezing. but i need to shower. so there's pretty much no way around it. -__-
で、ま、電気がつきません。もちろん、暖房も。this morning, it was 59 degrees in my house... a cold shower on top of that is insane. i really really hope the power comes back soon.... and the traffic sucks around my neighborhood too...
in the mean time, i guess i'll just try to stay warm at work.
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