Saturday, July 11, 2009


行ってきた~。楽しかった。アメリカ村サイコー!!there was so much weird crap, it's not even funny. and, there were so many places that i've seen in pictures but never got to see in real life even though it's so freakin' close. lol.

ゴスロリ系のお店にも行ったぜ~!めっちゃ小さな店でめっちゃ混んでた。セール中だったみたい。omg, there was so much clothes crammed into that small shop. too bad they don't allow pictures. for those of you who don't know 'gosurori', look below
後、お土産買ったぜ~。と帽子。ずっと欲しかったヤツが見つかった!めっちゃウレシイ :)

Currently listening to: くじら12号 - JUDY AND MARY

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