Thursday, July 30, 2009


私はドジなのでしょうか?と言いますのが、昨日、車を洗っていて、右手の小指をワイパーで突き刺す感じで怪我しちゃいました。man, it was so painful. and then today, while cooking, 指切っちゃった。しかも、左手の小指。-____- so now, both my pinkies are in pain.....

ウチの従兄弟ちゃんとそのお父上様、つまり叔父さんが結構な天然なんですよね~。だからもしや「私も!?」っておもったこともあったけど、まさかね~。私はいたって普通です。:) i'm not ヌケてる like them. hehe.

i really wanna go watch the ugly truth in theaters right now. hopefully, i'll be able to watch it soon. in the mean time, i have to get ready to go back to the apartment.

今日、めっちゃおいしいそうめんの食べ方を発見。伝授していただいたのは、ほかでもない、仕事するのと、文句言うのと、料理するしか脳のない私のお母様です!it's pretty simple but really good. i was amazed. ザーサイときゅうりを細かく千切りにして、茹で上がったそうめんの上に乗せます。上から普通にめんつゆと注ぎます。そして、煙が出るまで熱したごま油をその上からかけます。でっきあがり~!普通にめっちゃうまいです!at first, i was like, wtf!? too but it was way better than expected. 結構さっぱりするしね!ぜひ、お試しあれ。

Currently listening to: Don't say "lazy" - 桜高軽音部

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Duplicity, Defiance, おっぱいバレー

so, on the flight home, i watched two movies: Duplicity and おっぱいバレー。i've been wanting to watch duplicity for a while so i was happy when i finally got to watch it. hehe. BUT. it was okie. not as great as i wanted it to be. ちょっと複雑でしたね。it kept going in back and forth between the present and the future. it's hard to tell exactly what's happening until like the middle of the movie.
おっぱいバレーは、面白かった。very cute. haha. ちょっと下っぽいんだけど、それでも爽快感みたいなのがあって。バランスよかったね。見たい人は見れべし!you won't believe the amount of times they say おっぱい in that movie. loldefiance, i watched with the bf. it was interesting. i like kinda sad movies as well as WWII movies so it really fit my taste. apparently, the bf thought it was kinda boring. eh. whatever. 切ないながらも勇気を与えてくれるような作品だったね。a bit long tho. maybe that's because i was watching while i was really sleepy. o well. *shrug* it was decently good, as was the acting. that's all that matters, right?

Currently listening to: CHERRY - YUI

Saturday, July 25, 2009


went to watch knowing with my uncle. STUPIDEST movie everrrrrrrrrr. なんちゅう落ちや!って感じ。絶対見ないほうがいい。such a waste of money. it was fine till the middle. then it started getting really weird. and then, at the climax, i was like -_______-

on a good note, i got some new earrings. ネコのネ。めっちゃかわいいよ~。昨日の夜に神戸に行って。焼肉食べて、モザイクに行ってきました。そこで、ピアス買ってもらっちゃった。えへ。楽しかった♪

Currently listening to: Sk8ter Boi - Avril Lavign

Sunday, July 19, 2009


今日は神戸祭りがあった。今年はお祭りにいけないと思ってたので、楽しみだった。 it was mainly just a parade tho. it was a bit boring. the highlight was brazilian samba. ちょっとしょぼかったね。
did lots of shopping in kobe tho.


Currently listening to: Thriller - Michael Jackson

Friday, July 17, 2009


最近の悩み: 車から降りたら、眼鏡が曇る。。。(笑)

Currently listening to: はねるのトビラの回転すしのテーマ

Saturday, July 11, 2009


行ってきた~。楽しかった。アメリカ村サイコー!!there was so much weird crap, it's not even funny. and, there were so many places that i've seen in pictures but never got to see in real life even though it's so freakin' close. lol.

ゴスロリ系のお店にも行ったぜ~!めっちゃ小さな店でめっちゃ混んでた。セール中だったみたい。omg, there was so much clothes crammed into that small shop. too bad they don't allow pictures. for those of you who don't know 'gosurori', look below
後、お土産買ったぜ~。と帽子。ずっと欲しかったヤツが見つかった!めっちゃウレシイ :)

Currently listening to: くじら12号 - JUDY AND MARY

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


へ行ってまいりました!もうすごかったです!物がごちゃごちゃしててあふれ返ってました。there was seriously so much stuff! i've always kinda wanted to go so i was a bit happy. what sucked was that because i was with my mom, i couldn't really buy what i wanted to, much less go look for them. ドンキはメイド服とかあるからなぁ~ *hint hint*
ま、また行くけどね。叔母ちゃんにもう頼んであるし。マミーが帰ったら連れてってって。oh, and my dad was able to find this really cute dress that i found in hakodate that i didn't buy. so, he's gonna send it to me. hopefully, it's the right one in the right color. *excited* :)

Currently listening to: Bye Bye Bye - N'Sync

Sunday, July 5, 2009


後ろから車をぶつけて事故を起こすことをそういうらしい cousin rear-ended a car today. それで、話題に出ました。なんていうか、エロい、ですね。(笑) whoever thought of that as an expression must've been 相当スケベ。lol

tonight was カニ!うまかった!there was so much. 満足、満足。
Currently listening to: 夜空ノムコウ - スガシカオ

Thursday, July 2, 2009


EFFING SUCKS!!! they're biting me like crazyyy. japan has so many of them.... one reason i hate japan. 足に今6つぐらいある。か~ゆ~い!!!

Currently listening to: HAPPY DAYS - 大塚愛