Monday, February 13, 2012


it's been a while since i've been on this blog. a lot has happened. been quite busy. right now, i've taken up reading again. i used to read a lot. now that i've started again, it's eating up quite the bucks. lol.

finished book 1 of the Millenium series. it was really good. starting on the second one soon. 日本語の本だとハイドの本を読みはじめました。やはり、かっこいいですね。THE HYDE. i hope to finish it soon too :)

最近は仕事が微妙に忙しくなってきているので、少々大変かな?イベントが何件か詰まっているから、オフィス内のピリピリ感がハンパ無いっスね。i've been wanting to schedule a hangout with some friends and the bf but i'm so tired nowadays that even that doesn't seem to be happening soon. 残念。so, just a quick update. i hope to be able to regularly update more often but we'll see.

Currently listening to: Talking to the Moon - Bruno Mars