thanksgiving weekend was pretty cool for the most part. went over to the bf's for dinner. 私ん家はターキーとかそういうのは一切しない家なので...ホリデーとか関係ない家ですね。and since i actually like turkey, decided to go over to the bf's house to mooch since his sister was making some. ま、母はあまりいい顔しなかったけどね。ホントウザい。in addition to turkey, there was ham, sashimi (so japanese, eh??), mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and cheesecake. おいしかったです!
i was also supposed to go to black friday with the bf, but mom was being a bitch so decided to go with her instead. 近所のモールに0時前ぐらいに行きました。もう、長蛇の列。especially abercombie and fitch. 私はあんま好きじゃないからカンケーないけどさ。ended up getting nothing tho. ugh, stupid mom.
saturday was pretty uneventful but got to spend the entire day with the bf so that was nice. :) sunday, i had to work for my mom so that was lame. and yesterday, my doggie got spayed. 昨日はまだ麻酔が効いてるのかぐったりしてたけど、今はとても元気。よかったよかった。
man, this week is gonna be long...
Currently listening to: D-Motion - KAT-TUN