had a bbq today at my mom's friends house. it was fun and all. but there were only females. which meant... who was doing the bbq? of course, it fell to me. i was the youngest there and for some reason, i was the only one doing the bbqing. that thing is quite tiresome. マジで。しかも、あまり自分が何をしたらいいかわからないから困る。ま、そんなこんなで何とかできました。*clap* lol

afterwards, i reeked of smoke. and my eyes were teary from all that smoke that hit me head on. but the food was good! the german potato salad was especially good. i like potatoes ♥
oh, and they had a new dog, to a total of 3. カワイイ~。よく吠えるけどね。(笑)もう、うるさいのなんの。でも、ま、楽しかったからいいっか♪
Currently listening to: two友 - ゆずグレン