Monday, March 30, 2009

'09 Spring Quarter

has officially startedddddddd. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. lol.

but before that, i went to the bf's house yesterday. and at night, his dad and a friend came home. his dad mistook me for his little sister and his friend mistook me for his older sister. どういうこと!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?(笑)似てるのかなぁ~。

で、今日はクラスが一つ終わった。i have 2 more after this. but whatever. so, it was a class called art of listening. seems like it'll be a pretty interesting class. hopefully. i also have to go see 3 live performances and write about it. ちょっとめんどくさいけど、楽しみ。こんなことがないとなかなか行かないからね。i hope it'll be fun. maybe, it'll evolve into a habit! <3
Currently listening to: Hey - Usher

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Break

almost over... :( あんまり何もしてない気がする so sad.... haha

o wells, i guess i got to hang with the bf a lot. i was supposed to see a couple of friends but as always, didn't happen. 人生やはり思うようには行かないですね。even though it's break, it does not feel like break. 母親にこき使われてばかり。もう疲れますね。大変。すこしは自分でやれよって感じ。

tomorrow is the last day of break. let's hope it's not too bad...

Currently listening to: Blame it - Jamie Foxx feat. T-Pain

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


gotta love this show :)
i really suck at keeping in contact... :( not proud of it. でも、、、電話ってキライなんだよね~。i never really now if i'm calling at a bad time or not. kinda awkward for me. i mean, i don't mind when people call me. 自分からするのがスキじゃない。

BUT! it's spring break right now. and it's half done. the nor cal people will be going back soon. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. どうしよう。でも、ウチは親が厳しいから中々出かけられないんだよね~。*sigh*

maybe i really should call people up to hang out.

Currently listening to: HEY! FRIENDS - 藤木直人

Monday, March 23, 2009

Hair Cut

got a new hair cut :) 頭軽い~。(笑) i'm so lucky to have a friend who can cut hair. get my hair cuts for free. 結構短くなった。it was a bit lower than my shoulder blades. 今は肩よりちょっと短め。あはは。

ちょっとアッキーナっぽいかも?don't really like her. but my hair kinda resembles hers.
Currently listening to: 永遠 - BoA

Saturday, March 21, 2009


i like to listen to the radio when i'm driving. usually either kiis or my fm. で、昨日運転しながら kiis 聞いてたら、懐かしい曲が流れた。i couldn't remember the title or singer so i googled the lyrics and it was "Perfect" by Simple Plan. man, it's like middle school. haha.
中学時代は日本語の曲もそこそこ聴いていたけど、英語の曲もよく聴いていた。so, back then, it would be people like, n'sync, back street boys, tlc, 98 degrees.... a lot of boy bands. haha. ホント、懐かしい~。今でもたま~に聞くと、あの頃を思い出す。(笑)たまにはいいもんだね。

Currently listening to: Perfect - Simple Plan

Friday, March 20, 2009

Hiking & 21

yesterday was my guilty pleasure day with the bf. so, what did we decide to do?? we decided to go to the mountains and do some hiking. 結構楽しかった♪ でも、思ったより何もなかった。we met some people fishing and that seemed like fun tho. :)
my local mountains :)
今度は自転車持っていってダムまで行こうと決めました。(笑)it was really hot tho. but it was nice to just kick back and eat lunch in the wild. haha.

after that, we went back to his place and decided to watch "21". i had heard it was good but never got the chance to watch it in the theaters so we borrowed it. it was a decent movie. the main guy was kinda cute :) うん。そこそこよかった。

Currently listening to: Because of you... - Kelly Clarkson

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


apparently, there are actually students who are thinking of auctioning off their virginity... 意味分からん。どうして!?って感じ。seriously, i know it's a recession and all but for goodness sakes' there are boundaries.
後、こういうニュースもある。an australian business man bid $5 million for the virginity of a 22-year old californian. マジですか!?:O ありえんティー。

for the story, click here.

currently listening to: I'm Yours - Jason Mraz

Photo Contests

are so much fun to look at. i love looking at pictures from all sorts of different genres and time periods. 飽きないね。いつ観てもいい写真はイイ。i really wish i could take such beautiful pictures.

today, i found the Sony World Photography Awards 2009! lots of beautiful and breathtaking photos. below is my favorite one.
for more photos, click here.

Currently listening to: 純恋歌 - 湘南乃風


って何??わかんない's hard to not be clingy, which i am. i try to be nice all the time but every now and then, i'll snap at the bf for stuff that isn't really his fault. ムズいね。相手に合わせるってこと。だから恋愛は大変なんだろうけどさ。i sometimes think, is there really someone out there in that big world that you'll click with 100%?? そんなことは可能なのか?

i still think i've found "The One". :) i'm sure i'll never find anyone who will understand me better than my current bf. いつまでも続くといいなぁ~。:)

Currently listening to: さくらんぼ - 大塚愛

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bora Bora

OMG!!! so pretty. i most definitely want to go there some day. マジちょー綺麗。i love traveling and i definitely want to go here. やっぱ海がキレイなとこが一番ね。

here's a link to more pictures~~ :)

Currently listening to: love the world - Perfume

花より男子F -Final-

見ました~。やっと!(笑)it was decent. not as good as i thought. う~ん。the wedding was a bit stupid. there is no way that a family as powerful as 道明寺 would do such a cheap wedding. i mean, it was cute and all. でも、リアリティーに欠ける。途中で話読めたし。

so, つくしの口癖は「ありえないっつ~の!」だけど、最近何かと「ありえんてぃー」って言っちゃう。遅いよね。but it's catchy. 木村拓也が SmapxSmap のコーナーで使っている。i really like it. so funny. hehe.

I'M DONE WITH SCHOOL!! yeay! finished all my finals yesterday. i fried my brain. つ~か~れ~た~。now, i can watch all those videos piled up on my laptop. ahaha

Currently listening to: 気まぐれロマンティック - いきものがかり

Friday, March 13, 2009


so, facebook has decided to change it's layout once again. grrrrr... どんどん分かりづらくなる。i hate all this change. i can barely keep up with the changing technology!! not you too, facebook!! もう!!it just gets more and more complicated to navigate. ぜんぜんよくないと思う。
well, i'm done with dead week and gots 2 finals on monday. 勉強しなきゃ...面どくせぇ。

Currently listening to: Awakening Emotion 8/5 - ウエンツ瑛士

Thursday, March 12, 2009

White Day

americans may not be aware of this concept but in japan, it is a highly popularized day. white day is the valentines day for boys. in japan, girls give chocolate to guys they like. if the guy likes the girl back, he reciprocates on white day and gives the girl a present. かわいいよね!と、言うことで、今年のバレンタインは日本式にした。彼には sony の mp3 をあげた。で、今週末はホワイトデー。

so, my bf already told me ahead of time that he was making something on the computer for white day. exciting, right?? :) but, he lost all his files, along with my present. 超残念。but now, he says he's remaking it but a bit crappy. それでもウレシイじゃん?だって、私のためにめっちゃがんばってくれてるんだもん。でもさ、he's like, if i go over to his house tonight, he won't be able to finish it in time. making it seem like it's my fault. ずるくない!?自分が他の事やってるからでしょ?shouldn't i get some sort of priority for being his girlfriend?? but no, last night, he spent much of his time burning dvds for a coworker.


Currently listening to: Misery Business - Paramore

Monday, March 9, 2009


so, japan came up with the new earphones that let you control your ipod with your facial expressions. isn't that cool?? hehe. ちょっと欲しいと思った。いくらするんだろう?i'm not even sure if they are available to the mass market yet. でも、楽しみ♪
oh yea, and yesterday, i drove like 90 mph on the freeway. ちょー怖かった!!!マジで。へへ。but, it was a bit fun :P in my defense, the only reason i was driving like a mad woman was because i had to keep up with the bf, who was on his bike and having fun. -_-

Currently listening to: Unfaithful - Rihanna

Saturday, March 7, 2009

My Paper

is entirely full of bs. 4 pages. not bad. didn't take too long. but man, i hope it's okie.... not entirely sure. it's about the book, One Hundred Days of Solitude. borrrrringgggggggg. (sorry to the people who liked it.) but i'm pretty confident in writing. got an A in my english class in college, so.... *fingers crossed*
on the other hand, the bf is selling his motorcycle tomorrow. so sad. i loved riding that thing... ま、次買うまでの我慢ね。

daylight savings!!!! spring forward!!!! don't forget!!!! hehe.

oh yea, so, i have the slumdog millionaire song stuck in my head. well, it seems as though the child actors that were in the movie are still living in the slums. isn't that sad? here's the full story. but then, apparently they're gonna do another movie. hopefully, that let's them get out of the slums. click here for article. but seriously, good movie. i critiqued it here before so check it out.

後は、今日ビデオ屋さんで「花より男子FINAL」があった~。お金がなかったから借りれなかった~。:( but next week!!

Currently listening to: Jai Ho - Slumdog Millionaire (not sure who sings it. if someone knows, let me know. thanks :))

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


so, my bf was reformatting his computer and something went horribly wrong and he lost all his files :O so, he's recovering them right now but it's going to be a real pain in the butt to try and sort him. i volunteered to help. で、彼が言ったのが、「エッチなものいっぱいあるよ」。それに対して私が言ったのが、「知ってる」。

私って変かな?i don't really mind if my bf watches porn or not. it's totally up to him. i mean, i know he watches it and has been watching it for quite a while. 別に私に何の支障もないし、いいんじゃない?って思う。

でも、i hear a lot of girls won't let their bf's watch them. is it really that bad? i mean, i think i'd rather have him jerk off to some lady on his computer screen than cheat on me. (i'm not saying he will) でも、たまにの息抜きはいいんじゃない?やっぱ変かな?
Currently listening to: I hate this part - Pussy Cat Dolls

Monday, March 2, 2009


っていうスペシャルドラマが最近放送された。個人的には、第一夜のA型オンナに注目した。(if you weren't able to tell, i'm type A) turns out, i am NOTHING like a type A person. haha. should i be sad? 血液型で人を判断するのはちょっとバカらしいと思うけど、it was interesting to watch. :)

here's the official site.

personally, i think wedding dresses look really nice. like the one Lily was wearing at her wedding at the end of season 2 of "How I Met Your Mother". that was really pretty. ま、やっぱ女の子の憧れとしましてはいつか着たいネ。
Currently listening to: Can you celebrate? - 安室奈美恵